
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hi guys!! 

I have a couple questions! I truly would love to hear your responses! 

Why do you believe God is real? How have you seen His hand in your life?

Who is He to you? 

Do you have a life verse or a specific verse that sticks out to you during this season of life?

If you don’t know I would love to hear that as well!!!

5 responses to “The Road Less Traveled”

  1. Dear sweet Karoline….. we love you!
    1. Other than the obvious – look at the beauty of nature, the ocean, the sky, the mountains, the seasons, little babies, the amazing human body God created – I believe God is real, because of the change in my heart that came when I received forgiveness and salvation through Jesus Christ. I was born again, just as the Bible says.
    2. I have seen His Hand in my life on a daily basis by giving me peace in trials, strength when weak, healing when sick, comfort when hurting, and the most loving family!
    3. He is my Heavenly Father. King of kings and Lord of lords! My everything! Protector, Defender, Comforter, Peace, Guide, Promise Keeper, Saviour and Lord!
    4. I love God’s Word. To pick one verse – for today – Romans 8:38-39.

  2. (continued)
    God loves where no one else can.
    2 Chronicles 14:11 “Lord, there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty.”

  3. Hi Karoline!!!
    1. Just look around us in all that we see! Look up and there is the beautiful sky and clouds and the sun and the birds!! Then at night we see all the twinkling stars that God made and the moon and everything! It’s amazing to me. I walk our Copper every morning and I am reminded as we go around the block every blade of grass every different flower every bush all the trees are all made by God and as we walk I hear and see all the different birds singing every morning and the little squirrels looking for a little nut to eat or store for winter. Think about that how do they know to do that! GOD!! As Copper and I take that stroll every morning I watch him as he stops and smells every flower and takes everything in and I tell myself “we need to stop and smell the roses more often ourselves” I thank God for all He has made and for the beauty of it!!! God has given me salvation and true life and a home in Heaven to look forward to one day, He has given me hope when there was none and He answers prayer after prayer after prayer and has given me relief unto my soul.
    2. Who is God to me……not only is HE my Heavenly Father who loves me more than anyone but HE is also my Best Friend, my Comforter, my Healer! HE is my Hope in all things and my Protector. He has given me a precious family from my parents to siblings, nieces and nephews, uncles and aunts, cousins, to my husband and children and He watches over us all!!!! Thank you Jesus!!!!
    3. There are so many verses that I love and mean so much to me but one that has been at my side for such a long time is: Philippians 4:13…I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Another is II Corinthians 4:18 ….While we look not at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.
    Love you so much Karoline and keeping you and your mission team in my prayers.

  4. 1a. I’ve seen to many things to support the existence.
    1b. So so many but the most recent is fundraising.
    2. My father, comforter, strength, hope, faith, love
    3. 1 Corinthians 13:4-13